Why are we creating a ‘BLACK’ LIST?

To blacklist someone/ something is to put their name or product in a database of banned or undesirable items.  It is an indication that you are out of favour with the authorities and you should be disgraced, censored, suspected, excluded and punished. We at MUD like lists, but not those kind of lists. We are all about inclusivity, so as much we would like to sling mud in undesirable folks’ faces, that would be un-African, besides there is already significant disfavour attached to the word black. So in an effort to claim reparations we have decided to appropriate the word and give it a shiny muddy makeover.  Our black list is just a list of interesting  African people, noteworthy African activities or innovative African products.  So we thought we would shake off the stigma and own our blackness – black is beautiful.


POPULAR BLACKLIST articles available below:

To see all visit:


**nb**The featured image is taken from The Guardian Eyewitness series: Umhlanga reed dance . Available at: http://www.theguardian.com/world/picture/2014/sep/06/eyewitness-south-africa

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